News & Events


Ward 11 TDSB School Trustee By-Election 

The Northern School Council has shared with us the work they have been doing with the School Trustee candidates.  They have asked all candidates to respond to 7 questions.  Responses are being posted to their website as they come in.  Please take a moment to review the responses provided.  See below for invitation from Northern School Council to an upcoming virtual Meet and Greet with one of the Trustee candidates - Stacey Cline.

We feel the candidate should be someone who listens, collaborates and supports with some personal leadership skills would be advisable.


The Winter Well-Being Guide 2024-2025 is now available.  The Guide is prepared by the Mental Health and Well-Being Committee, In collaboration with the Mental Health Leads and the System Leader for Mental Health and PSS. The Winter Well-Being Guide 2024-2025 offers updated, culturally relevant, and responsive resources to support students and parents/caregivers/guardians in fostering mental and physical wellness during the winter months. It also includes specific supports tailored for students with disabilities and complex needs. To ensure accessibility for our diverse community, the guide has been translated into the top spoken languages within the TDSB. You can access it here: The Winter Well-Being Guide 2024-2025 


Did you miss out on purchasing the Limited Edition Leaside Community Calendar 2025 during Parent/Teacher Interviews? Help the visual arts students fundraise for their Green Wall project - full details here

UHN STEM Pathways

The school council is once again sharing  information relating to a series of free virtual events for students hosted by UHN (United Health Network) STEM Pathways Program.  Click here to see further information.  We will include reminders for their events in our weekly email updates.

Extra Math Help

The LHS Math department offers extra help for students throughout the school year. The schedule for this year has just been released.

New web page for Grade 12 parents

We have created a separate Grade 12 Parents webpage specifically for parents/caregivers/guardians of grade 12 students.  This page lists information on university open houses, scholarships, as well as upcoming events and deadlines specifically related to the grade 12 students.

Parent Volunteers

Leaside High School has a number of ways you can volunteer, from sharing knowledge on your career path, to assisting with clubs or coaching sporting teams, to joining school council or any of our council committees. 


Course Selection Information Session - For Parents/Caregivers - Feb 20, 2025

Course selection has opened on myBlueprint. To assist in the course selection process, there will be a Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Course Selection Information Night on Thursday, February 20 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Students need not attend this session as there will be Course Selection Information Sessions for students next week during Block A classes (February 11, 12, and 13). Our Guidance staff will start the evening off in the Auditorium and provide an overview of how your child will make course requests on myBlueprint for the 2025-2026 school year.  Then  from 6:30pm - 7:30pm parents (and students too) will have a chance to speak to Curriculum Leaders and Assistant Curriculum Leaders as well as some course teachers about what courses will be offered at Leaside High School for next year.

Date: Thursday Feb 20, 2025

Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm

Location: Leaside High School

Past Events 2024/25

Invitation - Virtual Meet & Greet -Trustee Candidate Stacey Cline

The Northern School Council has extended an invitation to the Leaside High families to attend a virtual Meet and Greet with Stacey Cline, one of the candidates running for the upcoming By-Election for School Trustee.

Date & Time: Jan 30, 2025 - 7pm

Registration - Click here

We will continue to share information on any additional Meet and Greets with school trustee candidates that are held by our neighbouring schools.

School Council Meeting

The next school council meeting will be held  on Tuesday Feb 4th,  from 6:30 - 8pm.  This will be a virtual meeting.  

When: Tuesday Feb 4, 2024

Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Location: Virtual (link will be forwarded in the Feb 3rd weekly update email)

The Feb 4, 2025 Agenda  and supporting documents are located on our website: Meeting & Minutes 

Understanding and Managing Teen Anxiety – A Workshop for Parents  - Jan 16

The School Council is very pleased to host the second part of our series on Teen Mental Health - Understanding and Managing Teen Anxiety.  This workshop is designed to help parents understand the factors that contribute to, sustain, and worsen anxiety, while equipping them with effective strategies to reduce it. Together, we’ll explore different forms and expressions of anxiety, provide practical parenting techniques to loosen anxiety’s grip on your teens and boost their confidence, and we will address your questions about managing anxiety and strong emotions—both in your teens and yourselves. 

We are very fortunate to have Drs. Michele Foster & Nina Mafrici, clinical psychologists and the co-directors of Toronto Psychology & Wellness Group (TPWG), lead this workshop. Click to see further background on our presenters

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Date: Thursday January 16, 2025

Time: 7:00-8:00pm

Location: Virtual 

Equity and Belonging Begins at Home with Dr. Andrew B. Campbell (Dr. ABC) 

Our Principal, Ms Nixon, has shared details of the following session what is open to parents and caregivers:

In this session, Dr. Andrew B. Campbell explores how caregivers and community members can disrupt discrimination to promote hope, foster healing and inspire joyful learning. Through stories and tangible strategies, participants will be guided to confront racism and disrupt discrimination to deepen understanding of social justice, diversity, and equity.


Date: January 15, 2025

Time: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. (virtual)

Location: virtual (register to receive link)

CANCELLED Careers Night Part 2 - Jan 9

Due to low registration we have made the difficult decision to cancel this event

We are pleased to announce the second Careers Night will be held on Thursday Jan 9.  This will be an in-person event, held at the school.  We currently have 12 presenters taking part in the evening. The presentations will NOT be recorded.  Full details can be found on our website

Staff Appreciation Breakfast - Dec 12

The school council Events Committee hosted a staff appreciation breakfast for the staff on Thursday Dec 12.   Thank you for your contributions and to the parent and student volunteers who helped to ensure we had a successful event.  We pulled off a fabulous, very tasty breakfast for the staff of Leaside High.  It was very much appreciated and the staff were very grateful.   Check out the photos 

Holiday Mix and Mingle - Dec 3rd

Based on the success of the Welcome back Mix and Mingle held in September, the Events Committee is looking to hold a Holiday Mix and Mingle prior to the December 3rd School Council meeting.  Come enjoy some finger foods from around the world and catch up with fellow Leaside High parents and teachers.  You are welcome to stay for the school council meeting.  If you would like to contribute food towards the social, perhaps a traditional finger food from your heritage, add the information when completing the RSVP form or please reach out to us via the school council mailbox: 

Date: Tuesday Dec 3, 2024

Time: 5:30 - 6:30pm (school council meeting will take place between 6:30 - 8pm)
Location - Leaside High School - Library

School Council Meeting

The next school council meeting will be held  on Tuesday Dec 3rd,  from 6:30 - 8pm.  This will be an in person meeting, following the Holiday Mix and Mingle.  

When: Tuesday December 3, 2024

Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Location: In person - School Library

Dec 3, 2024 Agenda & Minutes from the October meeting are located on our website: Meeting & Minutes. Reports and Update documents will be shared the Friday prior to the meeting.  

Grade 8 Open House

The LHS Grade 8 Open House takes place on Thursday, November 28 at 6:30pm in the auditorium.  This is for students who will be attending Leaside High School for the 2025 - 2026 school year and their families. This is a chance to see the school and the programming we can offer before students attend next year.  Please refer to the signs that’ll be  posted on the Hanna Road main entrance doors (#1). 

Careers Evening for students

Leaside High School Council is pleased to host  again this year a 2 part Careers Evening open to all students.   Students can hear from Leaside High parents as they share their education and career journeys and respond to questions from participants.

The first evening will be a virtual evening,  with the second evening is currently planned as an in-person event for early January (further details to come)

When:  Wednesday Nov 27 , 2024
Time:  7pm-8pm
Location: Virtual - (meeting link will be sent to registered participants by noon on Nov 27)
See separate Careers Night 2024-25 page for Presenters information and Registration

Leaside High School Semi-Formal

Leaside High school will be hosting a semi-formal this Fall.  The semi-formal will be open to all Leaside High Students (no external guests permitted).  There will be teacher supervision and security onsite.  

When:  Thursday November 21, 2024
Time:  5pm - 10pm
Location: Parkview Manor - 55 Barber Greene Rd, North York
Theme: Masquerade

Feeling Down? Depression in Children & Youth

The school council events committee is pleased to host the first session in the 2 part Parent Series on Mental Health Issues facing teens is a virtual session titled "Feeling Down? Depression in Children & Youth," led by Registered Social Worker Gena Little. This presentation will equip adults with critical knowledge about depression in young people, covering key topics such as current research and data on prevalence and risk factors, recognizing the signs and symptoms for early identification, and effective strategies for responding to youth in distress. Ideal for parents, educators, and community members, this session aims to enhance understanding and support for youth mental health. We look forward to seeing you there! 

When:  Thursday November14, 2024
Time:  7pm-8pm
Location: Virtual - (meeting link will be sent to registered participants by noon on Nov 14)
RSVPClick here to register 

Save the date for students - What is Co-op?  Nov 12

For students interested in Co-op, there will be an information session on Tuesday November 13.  Topics covered will include:

When: Tuesday November 12th at lunch and at 3:15pm in the library 

For parents interested in learning more about the Co-Op program - please take a look at the information on our website.

School Council Meeting

When: Wednesday , October 30, 2024
Time: 6:30 - 8pm
Location: In Person School Library
Documents:  Click here to see Agenda & supporting documents 

Joint Ward Forum

Meet and Greet - Wards 8 and 11 School/Student Councils, Parents/Caregivers, Community Members, and School Staff  have been invited to a special joint ward forum

When: Monday , October 28, 2024
Time: 6:30 - 8pm
Location: Davisville Junior Public School
Click here to RSVP and see further details

Parent Teacher interviews - Semester 1

When:  Thursday, October 24, 2024
Time:  1pm -3:15 pm (VIRTUAL)  and 5:30 - 7:30pm (IN PERSON)
Location - Leaside High School for In person interviews 

The school will be using School Appointments Online ( You can start booking appointments on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 12:00pm. Please see this School Appointments Online Parent Instructions sheet for information regarding how to register for an account, as well as how to book an interview time. 

See the Parent Tips page for additional information on the interview process

School Council - TDSB Policy Review Committee - Oct 17 - 7:30 pm Virtual

If there is anyone interested in joining the TDSB Policy Review committee, we are holding our first committee meeting on Thursday .  Please reach out if interested and we can send you the meeting link -  Iliana Arapis is the Lead of the committee. 

TDSB Accelerated OYAP Information Night

All students and families are invited to attend the virtual Accelerated OYAP Information Night on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, from 6:30-8pm. Learn about this unique program that combines an on-the-job co-op placement with an 8-week in-school Level 1 training session at a local college or union training center. Accelerated OYAP students become fully registered apprentices with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training, and Skills Development (MLITSD). 

Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 6:30 -8:00 p.m.
Location - VIRTUAL 


Post-secondary information night is on Tuesday, October 1st from 6:30 -8:00 p.m. Find out about the apprenticeship, college and university application process from your Leaside Guidance Counsellors. All grade 11 and 12 students and their families are encouraged to attend. Speak with representatives from 23+ universities, as well as colleges, and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program. Click here for career and post-secondary exploration and planning 

Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Time: 6:30 -8:00 p.m
Location - Leaside High School 

Welcome Back - Parent Social

Join us for the inaugural Leaside High Welcome Back Mix and Mingle.  New for this year, we are hosting a Welcome Back chili fest prior to the school council elections for both parents/caregivers and teachers.  Come enjoy a bowl of chili and catch up with fellow Leaside High parents and teachers.  We will have a few options for the chili available  including vegetarian and beef (halal variety will be available) made by some of our school council members.   You are welcome to stay for the school council elections meeting following the social.

Date: Wednesday September 25

Time: 5 - 6:30pm (school council elections will take place between 6:30 - 8pm)

Location - Leaside High School

School Council Elections

The first school council meeting will involved the election of the School Council Members, followed by the election of the Executive Officers. 

When:  Wednesday Sept 25, 2024
Time:  6:30 - 8pm
Location - Leaside High School library (main floor)
Nomination forms - The submission deadline for these forms is Tuesday September 24th at 12:00pm (noon)

Grade 9 Curriculum Night 

Thursday Sept 19, 2024
Grade 9 parents/guardians/caregivers should mark Thursday September 19th from 6:30 - 8:00pm on their calendar as we will be hosting our Grade 9 Curriculum Night. Parents will have a chance to meet with the Curriculum Leaders or Assistant Curriculum Leaders for each subject and learn more about the courses your child will be taking this year. 

Open House: 6:30 pm - 7:15pm (tour the school, meet with different Curriculum and Assistant Curriculum Leaders to discuss Grade 9 courses and pathways to graduation.

Presentation: 7:15 pm - 8:00pm (School Auditorium)

Past News 


Before the Final Exams begin, the Moratorium Period will take place from January 16 to January 21, 2025. During this period, some students may have an exam if there is only one class offering of a course this semester. The school day schedule has been adjusted slightly to accommodate this. Classroom teachers will provide further details. Please note that no new work or assignments will be given during the Moratorium Period. 

Please refer to the Semester 1 Exam schedule for students, available on the Leaside High School Exam Schedule Website. Please access the website by clicking: HERE. To access the Exam Schedule, click the "Home" button at the top right of the page. This will take you to the Exam Schedule and additional resources. Final Exams for courses with multiple sections will take place from January 22 to January 28, 2025. 

Staff Appreciation Breakfast - Dec 12

The school council Events Committee hosted a staff appreciation breakfast for the staff on Thursday Dec 12.   Thank you for your contributions and to the parent and student volunteers who helped to ensure we had a successful event.  We pulled off a fabulous, very tasty breakfast for the staff of Leaside High.  It was very much appreciated and the staff were very grateful.   Check out the photos 

Holiday Hamper - Supporting TDSB Families This Holiday Season 

Thank you to all the Leaside High Families who contributed to the Holiday Hamper.  Your generosity is truly appreciated!  The Hamper is being delivered this week.  A special thank you to Divya Chandra for taking the lead on this initiative! 

Leaside High School Council agreed to participate in the Holiday Hamper program.   This is a program that was initiated by TDSB social workers in 1996 that identifies TDSB families in need of help and support over the holiday season.  We were assigned one family - Our assigned family consists of 9 people (2 parents, 3 young adult children & 4 TDSB children) - all living at home.   The parent who was the primary financial provider for this family has recently been facing job instability, and this family is now facing a notice of eviction. In addition to housing insecurity, they are also facing food insecurity daily.

Fresh from the Farm - Update

Produce will be arriving Wednesday Nov 20 - see Fresh from the Farm page for further details

Business Leadership Class needs your input

The Business Leadership class has asked that we share information with the parenting community.  They are working towards making a cookbook – they were hoping to get some input from parents/guardians/caregivers before they move forward with this.   Please take a few minutes to complete their Market Research FormThere are only 3 questions so it won’t take long.

Extra Help - Literacy Test 

Starting on November 1st, there will be extra help sessions for those writing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) on November 13 and 14. Any Grade 10 student who has English this semester will be writing, plus any Grade 11 or 12 student who is new to the school, and those who need to try the test again. Please see in the Guidance Google Classrooms.   Schedule is also included in the  Guidance Updates section of the Leaside High School Community Newsletter October 25, 2024.

Fundraising activity in the Fall - Fresh from the Farm

A big thank you to everyone who supported our first school council fundraiser of the year - we sold 180 bundles, raising $1,600 for the school!!!  See Fresh from the Farm page for details.

Parent/Caregiver/Guardian - Events Survey

The school council Events committee would like your help to identify the events that you are most interested in. Some events are directed at parents/caregivers/guardians while others are for parents/caregivers/guardians and students.

Please take a moment to complete this short survey so we will know how best to support the LHS parenting community. Please submit your feedback by October 28.

Personal Mobile Device Use in Schools Policy Update

As you are aware, the TDSB is developing a new Personal Mobile Device Use in Schools Policy in response to the January 2024 resolution of the Board and direction from the Ministry of Education outlined in Policy/Program Memorandum (PPM) 128: The Provincial Code of Conduct and School Board Codes of Conduct (April 2024).

The pre-consultation phase was completed in July 2024, which led to the draft policy being developed for the consultation phase, which began on Thursday, October 10.

The school council TDSB Policy Review committee will be reviewing this policy and providing the council with recommended feedback.  If you are interested in joining the School Council Committee, please reach out to us via email -  First Committee meeting is scheduled for October17 @7:30pm (virtual meeting)

School Statement of Needs - Provide your input

Every fall, all school councils give their superintendent a summary of their school/community’s priorities in the event the school will be having a change of principal.  This year we have a new superintendent, who is new to the Leaside High parenting community.

We would love feedback on our current School Statement of Needs - any comments you would like to see incorporated (additions, deletions, modifications), please forward our e-mail address  Please submit all comments by October 25.

Breakfast Program Donation Campaign 2023/24 

THANK YOU!!  As of April 19th, we have reached $5,181 for our Breakfast Donation CampaignAny funds collected for the breakfast program that are not used by the end of this school year will flow over into September to ensure we have the breakfast program operational at the beginning of the new school year.

Past Events 2023/24

Join us for an in person evening where you can learn from the experience of parents, recent grads and current grade 12 students on the post secondary submission process - 

the list of questions is endless.   Bring your questions and join the discussion with parents and students who have been through the process.

Thank you to all the families who contributed items  and made donations to the staff appreciation lunch which was a huge success!  The staff thought the breakfast in December was good, but thought this lunch was even better.  The huge assortment of hot foods, salads, sandwiches, varieties of salmon, charcuterie boards along with the amazing spread of desserts, many homemade by the Leaside High community! We would also like to extend a special thanks to all the parents who helped set up and clean up.

Photos:  Lunch table, Butter chicken and Charcuterie Boards, Salmon and Shrimp, Desserts & Drinks station, Desserts, Staff

York Mills CI School Council invites parents/caregivers to attend a virtual workshop on Building Academic Resilience, Overcoming Procrastination, and Managing Academic Stress, presented by Jill Pulford-Thorpe and Kate Lee from Common Compass. Whether your teen is a high achiever or having academic challenges, this workshop is designed to help you support your teen's academic success and well-being. You will learn:

Date: Thursday, May 9, 7-8:30pm (VIRTUAL - Zoom)

The Leaside High School Council is pleased to host an in person panel discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom

Please join our panelists:

as they tackle the Good, the Bad and the Safety of AI in the Classroom.  In particular, we will address how to use AI as a learning tool and avoid plagiarism. 

Have questions or just interested to hear where we currently are with AI in the classroom...  Come to our panel discussion!! 

This is not another presentation that outlines a list of skills or strategies you need to be the “perfect” parent. This talk focuses on five key elements shown through evidence-based research that directly impact your relationship with your child and/or adolescent. The WHY and the HOW TO. It will help parents understand that adjusting how they interact with and respond to their child can dramatically impact their short- and long-term relationship, especially when a child’s behaviour is most challenging and triggering.  View Flyer

The Leaside High School Council is pleased to host a virtual event on Internet Awareness  

Join Toronto Police Constable Megan McGarry as she walks parents through the current internet environment our children live in.  What we, as parents, should be aware of and how to know when there is potential danger for our kids.  She will cover personal/cyber safety, provide real life examples of how social media can impact student's lives, tips for parents as well as provide information on helpful resources.  A version of this presentation was given to the Grade 10 students in December.

Megan McGarry is a Police Constable with the Toronto Police Service. In her 22 years of service, she has worked in the Public Response Unit, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Youth Bureau/Family Violence Unit, Community Response Unit as a School Officer, and the Mobile Crisis Intervention Team. Currently, she is with the Community Partnership and Engagement Unit where she is the Toronto Police Service’s School Board Liaison Officer.

Both Guidance and Ms. Brown will be available to answer any further questions you may have about Co-Op at the Course Selection evening on 20th February.

Discover important career tips from Leaside High parents as they present their path to their current jobs.  Take advantage of this unique opportunity to ask them questions to help plan your future.

With over 14 presenters across the 2 nights, we hope you take the time to learn about careers you hadn't previously considered, or gather more information on careers of interest.  Make sure to check out the presenters and their backgrounds 

You can join up to 3 Breakout rooms each night. There may be additional presenters added prior to the night.  Check the presenters list often so you don't miss seeing a new presenter. See Flyer

WHEN - February 7th. 2024
TIME:  8 pm
LOCATION: one-hour virtual presentation   


Anxiety is one of the main mental health issues facing students at LHS. With students preparing for exams, this is a perfect opportunity for parents/guardians/caregivers to hear how you can help and not hinder your teens through this trying period. 
Leaside School Council is hosting Ms Catherine Lyall, Leaside High School's Social Worker,  who will provide an overview of anxiety, what helps and what doesn't help.  The session will include a slideshow presentation followed by the opportunity to ask questions, chat and share experiences.  Hope to see you there! 
When:  Wednesday, Jan 17, 2024
Time:  7:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Microsoft Teams meeting link will be sent to those registering on the evening of Tuesday Jan 16, 2024

Past Events - Student Engagement 2023/24

UHN STEM Pathways is a Toronto-based outreach program that gives students the opportunity to learn about and explore STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) with leaders in the field.  

These opportunities are at no-charge to participants and aim to instill a curiosity and love of STEM. Overview of session and registration links are found on the website page from the links below.

Here are the dates and topics of upcoming programs ( 1-hour virtual events usually 5-6pm or 6-7pm use links to see full details):

Here are the dates and topics of upcoming on-site workshops:

CPA Ontario is offering a series of Financial literacy workshops for students.  Students will need to sign up as a High School Ambassador Program (HAP) to register (use this link to create the account)Join us for these 1-hour virtual events from 4-5 p.m. on various dates. Each workshop is led by a practicing CPA, the student will get a certificate of participation for attending and they will be entered into a draw to win one of a few $25 Amazon gift cards per event.  Registration for each event closes the day prior to the event

Here are the dates and topics of this year’s financial literacy workshops: