Fresh from the Farm


Produce will arrive on 

Wednesday, November 20th 

If you ordered produce, refer to the email sent Nov 12 for pick instructions 

email Subject: "Fresh From the Farm - Pick up Instructions / Sign-up " 

Delivery:   Important reminders:

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported our first school council fundraiser of the year.

We sold 180 bundles of veggies and apples raising $1,600 for the school

At the current time, the funds from the Fresh from the Farm fundraiser have not been earmarked. That said, the newly formed fundraising committee will be coming up with a list of suggestions, informed by Ms. Nixon and the school community, and the school council will vote on any suggestions prior to the funds being allocated.

If you’d like to send along a suggestion, or if you’re interested in joining the school council fundraising committee, please let us know. We’d love to have you join the committee if you’re interested.

Question? Please contact Adrienne Zarem at -

2024 FFF-Poster-EN-letter size. LH.pdf