About Us
Leaside High School Council meetings are doors open, everyone is welcome. Council meetings include updates from the Principal, the Student Captains, and the Co-Chairs. When applicable, Committee updates are also included. These meetings are an important forum in which to discuss issues that affect the education and overall high school experience of LHS students. Items and questions for discussion can be sent to SC.LeasideHighSchool@tdsb.on.ca . Votes, as required, are taken by the elected and appointed members.
For this year's meeting dates please visit the Meetings & Minutes page.
Leaside High School Council
In accordance with our By-Laws, School Council's voting members include 15 parent/caregiver/guardian , 1 student , 1 teacher, 1 staff and 1 community member. The principal participates in an advisory role and is therefore not a voting member of council. Each year, all positions on the school council are open! Elections take place in late September.
The 2024-25 council is:
Principal: Barbara Nixon
Co-Chairs: Karen deSouza & Adrienne Zarem
Co-Secretary: Sarah Blyth & Divya Chandra
Treasurer: Claudia Nonu
Teacher Rep: Fionla Fagan
Student Rep: Trinity Milo & Gracie King
Community Rep: TBD
Parent Reps: Ayse Aydin, Iliana Arapis, Aamir Barlas, Marcy Burchfield, Mahsa Deyhim, Alokita Dhar, Anusha Khan, Jason Pan, Suzanne Philips, Zhenya Stekovic
If at any time you have questions or comments, please reach out to us using our email address SC.LeasideHighSchool@tdsb.on.ca.
Levels of Involvement
There are many levels at which to get involved in your child’s education through the School Council. Most don’t take up a lot of time, as Council initiatives are usually group efforts with a few people doing portions of the work. Council operates best on a ‘the more the merrier’ system.
Suggestions for ways to get involved:
Come to a meeting and contribute whenever you can.
Read the minutes for information on initiatives that are underway and where you might want to assist. If you have ideas that are helpful, please let your thoughts be known.
Contact any Council Member and ask them where your assistance might be needed.
Join a committee - We have established 5 committees and welcome involvement from parents/caregivers and guardians. Many of you have expertise that we could greatly use!
Caring and Safe school
Fundraising -Term of Reference
TSDB Policy Review -Term of Reference
Your input makes a difference
It is through the School Council that Principals and school boards, in turn, must consult with school council members on a variety of matters that affect student learning. They must also consider recommendations made by school councils and report back to the councils on how they plan to act on their advice. Principal Nixon’s reports are very informative and provide Council with excellent background on which the Council makes decisions.
Important Documents
Leaside High School Council's By-Laws describes how the Council operates, its purpose, objective, governing principles and how stakeholders can participate.
School Statement of Needs (SSON). Every fall, all school councils give their superintendent a summary of their school/community’s priorities in the event the school will be having a change of principal.
Did you know?
School Councils are required and their purpose is mandated by Ontario Regulation 612/00:
The purpose of school councils is, through the active participation of parents, to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.
A school council’s primary means of achieving its purpose is by making recommendations in accordance with this Regulation to the principal of the school and the board that established the council.
The School Councils - A guide for Members document is a helpful guide prepared by the Ontario Government to assist school council members learn the ways they can contribute to the education of students in their school.
The Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) has developed a School Council toolkit that is also available to school council members. It is a quick guide to school council matters.